Race Across America (RAAM)- Ultra marathon bicycle race from West coast to East coast, Americas answer to Tour de France. Approx. 3000 miles in approx 7 days. Team Donate Life (TDL): http://www.teamdonatelife.com The "mother" operation bringing awareness to organ donation through bike racing, mostly RAAM. Please see their website for detailed information.
A few weeks after that, Jared asked Bobby to be the crew chief for "Connors Hope".Connors Hope: TDL RAAM team- bringing awareness and raising money for organ donation-consentrating on liver disease and telling Connor Ellisons story http://www.teamdonatelife.com/riders.asp?ifid=42
Bobby was very undecided and was afraid he didn't have the available time to do justice to the team. (As soon as I had read Connors blog, I knew this was a neat kid). Connor Ellison: 12 year old kid- awesome kid- please go see his blog www.connorsjourney.com , it will amaze, touch, and inspire you. Connor has liver disease, will need a transplant in the next few years, and is the youngest person to ever participate in RAAM.
When Bobby got off the phone- I really encouraged him to do this, what an awesome opportunity to be involved in helping a young man accomplish something incredible! How could he not do it!? I mean really... how could he not!? He may not ever have a chance to do something like this again! He was going to call and tell Jared he didn't have time but could advise- I encouraged him to wait a little while and think about it.
Well...a few weeks later he said- You should come... I thought... ya okay ..I can see what you been doing all those weeks you spent peddling across the country. Bobby called Jared and I was part of the crew. However, Bobby is now scaring me with stories of sleep deprivation, few showers, bugs , humidity, a week of bad hair days, and spending 7 -8 days driving cross country at 10-20 mph with a bunch of people I don't know- one of them (Connors Mom ,Tiffany) was Mrs. CA- ya..I know right..a beauty queen..me- bad hair-flat stuck to my head and no makeup for a week with a beauty queen... getting anxiety thinking about it! Seriously though, I did talk to her on the phone and seems really nice :) Bobby loves the family and thinks they are awesome!
Part of our job is to help raise money for the teams charity- Organ donation. My friend Rachele- www.theinkboutique.blogspot.com came up with this great idea to do a card class and all the money will go to our teams charity, she is donating all the supplies- Thanks Rachele!!. We also got some great items to raffle!
Please join us for the class, or donate if you can! We appreciate it!
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